Water Resources and Aquatic Biodiversity

LimpopoFloodplainP1050362IMG_3127Water resources form the foundation of most life on this planet and yet they are also the most threatened of the resources. The stresses that are being placed on water resources are rapidly propelling both society and the environment to a crisis situation where sustainable life is threatened. There is thus an urgent need to improve the way that society interacts with water, which may be achieved by knowing more about the water resource itself and also by improving the way that we manage our use and impacts on the water resource.

For many years the INR has featured expertise in water resource issues, having a wide interest in aquatic ecology and biodiversity, water resources management, utilization of water resources by society, water quality, rivers and dams/lakes. Involvement in this field has included undertaking projects of a wide range of character, funded by a variety of organizations ranging from the Department of Water Affairs, European Commission, World Bank, the Water Research Commission, Lesotho Highlands Development Authority and many more. While some projects have been pure research, others have been related to the application of policies and others to the direct management of resources.


  • Integrated Water Resources Management
  • Design and implementation of water resource protection methods and tools
  • Aquatic assessments and monitoring
  • Wetland assessments and monitoring
  • Water and aquatic resource mapping and spatial analysis
  • Ecosystem services assessments
  • Policy and governance of water resources
  • Ecological risk assessments for aquatic resources
  • Fisheries and aquatic resource development